January 9, 2020

It’s Thursday and I woke up to the blowing wind! Lots of it—I’m dreading Boomer waking up and having to go outside with him. That harsh, bitter wind seems cruel and almost evil. But I’ll wrap myself up with a fe layers and boots and brave it all. 

Sometimes I think we try to do that with things we know aren’t right—things that are evil. We try to wrap ourselves up and just wade into it, but Paul tells us we should reject it—stay away from it.

“Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”

‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:20-24‬ NIV

When he wrote this he’d been in Berea and the Christians there diligently searched the scriptures to make sure everything Paul said was in line. Paul here is encouraging the Thessalonians to do the same with anyone who tries to influence them—seek out the scriptures. 

Sometimes evil can be disguised as spiritual or even kind or the best of good intentions. As Paul says, hold on to what is sustained by what the Bible says and get rid of everything else, despite its source. Throw out everything tainted with evil. 

Dear Lord who makes everything whole and holy, we pray that you would make us whole.and holy. Put us together—our spirit, soul and body—and keep us fit for your coming. We know you have called us and that you can be trusted. Open our eyes to those around us and help us to see them as you do. We worship you our great King and we thank you for prayers answered and for those unanswered. We thank you for your mercy and your great grace that covers even a sinner like me. Holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty. Up Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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