January 15, 2020

Happy Wednesday to you. I hope your week is going well. Yesterday, I went to Sams. I was out of things like trash bags, toilet paper, and chicken, so off I went. I like going to Sams because there is always lots to look at and the isles are nice and wide. Everytime I’m there, I am amazed at how much stuff and everything from diapers to TVs to mangos to beds. It just seems incredible that so many things in such quantities are all under one roof. 

King David never saw a store with as much stuff aa Sams of course, but he did see countless miracles and understand that God has plans. He knew from creation and history that he was serving a God of miracles and he know that God loved him and his people and would take care of them. He was amazed and awe-struck by the fact that a God who had done such great and mighty things not only cared about his people but that He loved them with such a great love. 

“Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭40:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Even the thousands of things at Sams cannot begin to compare with the many wonders of God nor the things He has in store for us! The past is full of His great miracles and the future is full of His perfect plans. 

In Psalm 8:4, David wondered, “What is man that You are mindful of him?” When David considered the greatness of the universe, he was amazed that God would think about man at all. Here, he is again amazed that God thinks of His people so much, and even more incredibly that God thinks such loving and gracious thoughts toward His people—more than can be numbered.

Spurgeon wrote “God's thoughts toward us are wonderful because they are God's thoughts. When I think, it is a poor, little, weak, empty head that is thinking; but when God thinks, the gigantic mind which framed the universe is thinking upon me. God's thoughts toward us are wonderful because they are so many; they cannot be recounted. One gracious thought is followed by another, swiftly as the beams of light flash from the sun, so that it is impossible for us to number them." 

God who thinks of us in such gracious ways, hallowed be your name. It seems beyond my comprehension that more than 3,000 years ago David was amazed and today, we continue to stand in awe of you. How great and glorious you must be! We understand the great love you have for us is so far beyond our faithfulness and love for you—it’s incomprehensible. Teach us Father to ever think on you, to love you beyond all else and to live as you’d have us to live. What a wonderful God we serve! Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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