December 23-Love

Good Monday to you and it is the week to celebrate that love has come for the world! This weekend, we had some of the family Christmas and as I looked down the table, I though of the old cliche, “All because two people fell in love…” And when I think of the four kids, and the four spouses and the soon to be 10 grandchildren... we talked quite a bit about the new baby and we all love him or her every bit as much as the ones that were there running around and the one serving in Hawaii who just got a tattoo on his arm. All I can think of is Wow! That’s a bunch of people and a lotta of love going from 2 to 20 in what seems like a short time. 

This year, more than ever before, it has resonated with me over and over as I have studied that Christmas is about so much more than the baby in the manger. It is about that great love God had for the entire world coming to earth. Right after Jesus explains to Niccodemus about being born again, John tells us

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” ‭‭John‬ ‭3:16-17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

That God SO loved us. Not only the Jews who loved God and did their best to serve Him, but the whole world who served false gods and idols and were thieves and liars and bad people. All of us whether we loved God or not, He still loved us. Wow, right? He loved the best and the very worst people you can think of all through time. 

God sent Jesus to be born in the manger so that 33 years later He could conquer death because He loves the very worst of mankind. I can’t figure it all out, but God is rather amazing, isn’t He? Beyond what we can fathom and beyond what makes sense to us. The love of God is what Christmas is really all about. We didn’t earn it, and we don’t deserve it, that reckless, overwhelming, seeking for us love of God. 

God of Love, what a wonder you are! You completely amaze me in your plan and in your outpouring of love for all of us. I can’t wrap my finite mind around it but I can bask in it knowing that there is no top nor bottom to the boundless love you have for us. Thank you for your goodness and grace you pour our on us and we will never cease to praise you for your love. Hallelujah for the Messiah born to a virgin. We ask for your blessings and protection this week Lord as we seek to bring glory and honor to you alone. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one, 



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