December 10, 2019

Happy Tuesday and Shalom (Peace) to you. One of the things I love about the holiday season is the candles. I like burning them but I absolutely love the led candles that glow. I liked them when I got the first ones with a little remote, but when I learned to set the timers, they became amazing. The living room just starts glowing bout sunset and I can go to bed knowing they go out all on their own. 

What is it about light that draws us? We gravitate towards it because we don’t like the dark. Even my puppy leaves a room when I turn out the light. Light signifies all that is good, clear, showing us what’s around us and shedding light on the darkness of the enemy. 

“Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.””

‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:78-79‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus came to bring light and peace to this world of darkness and chaos.i have nightlights all over my house because otherwise if I get up in the dark, I can (and will) run into all sorts of things. It’s the same thing we do without Jesus. We run into all kinds of messes in the dark and even if we don’t, we are anxious and feel a disorder, unsure about what is around us. Jesús, this Prince of Peace sheds His light, calms us and gives us rest. 

Dear God of peace, we know only you can quiet our storms, calm our disorder. Hide us, O thou Rock of Ages as the storms of life pass us and be our steadfastness in a world of constant change and confusion. What a wonderful light you bring to our lives and only though that light can we find our peace for rest. We worship you Lord and we want to walk closer to you this week than ever before. Praise you Father, Son and Spirit. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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