November 26, 2019

It’s Tuesday.And with all the Christmas decorations everywhere, it’s easy to forget this is the week of Thanksgiving. I hate it that we just sort of skip over this special time that has been set aside specifically to stop, be still and really think about all of the blessings and mercy and kindness that have been showered on us by the Father of Light. It’s the time for us to say out loud “We offer you our Thanksgiving, Lord for you are good, so very good to us.” It’s a wonderful time of coming together for friends and families and communities. 

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve paid particular attention and listened. I’ve been listening to hear “thank-you” or any words of appreciation. It’s amazing how few times I’ve head them as people have been interacting with one another. Are we becoming a people who have forgotten how to show appreciation? 

“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:18‬ NLT

“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart...always be thankful. Peace and a thankful heart certainly appear to be inextricably linked, don’t they? It would follow then that perhaps the reason we have lost the thankfulness of our society has something to do with the loss of the peace that comes from Christ. We want to remember that in this passage, Paul isn’t just talking about a happy feeling but rather peace as in the fruit of the Spirit. He calling for those who claim to have the Spirit to love, tolerate and support each other—to be kind and grateful as we go about our daily lives. It’s amazing how treating others better makes us feel better. 

At this time of year, I always think about my Dad more. It’s not only almost his birthday, but he loved the holidays as much as anyone ever. He’s been gone 34 years now but I can still see him checking his smoker or in his PJs and coat carrying in packages after the kids were asleep or chopping onions for the stuffing or dipping chocolate bonbons. One year, he put together my a robot for my nephew and when he turned it on, it walked on it’s back, backwards! (Yes, my dad was an engineer.) One thing he taught us was to always be thankful. Whether we had baloney or a feast on the table, he wanted us to be thankful that we had a good place to sleep and plenty of food to eat. Sometimes we teased him about praying until the food was cold, but he told the Father (and showed us) he was thankful for it all. 

Father God, we come to you with grateful hearts. We know Lord that we have failed so often in showing those around us that we are thankful for small acts of kindness and if we aren’t faithful with those small things, we know we will soon become unfaithful in the big things. Help us Spirit. Remind us when we forget. Help us to see those times when we need to be thankful and we need to our loud say thank you. Help us to see those times when we especially need to let the peace of Christ rule our hearts and not forget whose we are. Today, we praise you and worship you our great King. You are worthy. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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