November 21-Run the Race

Happy Thursday. Since I started this little series on Hebrews, I’ve been excited for the first few verses of chapter twelve. In my way of thinking, chapter eleven is a prologue for these verses. It’s as though the author is telling us “Because of all of these heros that came before us…” it’s all about living up to our legacy. Little did I know that during the waiting, my mother-in-law of 43 years would leave this world. But let me just say, she left a legacy. 

I have had so many family and friends that have preceded me that I could keep you reading for hours telling you about them. My grandma and Geneva’ crazy over and above hospitality teaching me how important it was to make people feel welcome; my dad and his friendliness and his ability to laugh teaching me how important it was to set people at ease; my husband’s genuine love for people and concern for their souls teaching me how important it was to be help others be ready for eternity; and my mother-in-law...her complete lack of regard for “stuff” taught me that people are more important than anything you might acquire here on this earth. The older she became, the more she gave away, caring more about people than she did about her diamond rings and crystal. And she was probably the happiest person I’ve ever known. 

Legacies. Those who have ran their races, finished their courses and now form the great cloud of witness for all of us who are still running and grabbing the water cups held out to us. 

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:1-3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Throw off every weight. When you’re running, you don’t want to carry anything extra. My youngest two were cross country runners and they would look for the lightest shoes and the thinnest shorts and the smallest socks because they wanted no extra anything. If we are going torun this thing well, we have to get rid of the big heavy boots of sin and get some light-weight running shoes. Take off the big heavy coats of grudges, jealousy, bitterness and hate and run. I like to think that the heros who came before us, the great cloud of witnesses, are cheering us on. That Moses might be saying “Come on!” And Paul could be yelling (because I think Paul probably yelled a lot until he got old and tired) “You’ve got this!” And Myrtle Mary Cooper is saying “Pamela, you know what to do!” It’s such a picture for me and maybe it’s not so far from how it really is. 

The other thing my runners did was to find a focal point somewhere ahead of them. They would run to that and then pick a new one and run to that. They didn’t look left or right or down, but to that focal point. We are told here our focal point is Jesus. Fix our eyes on, not only the author of our faith, but the finisher. Is it ever more fully complete than in Jesus? That’s how we run this thing called life and finish this race well— keeping our eyes fixed on Him. 

Lord thank you for giving us heros who have become our legacies of the faith who are our great cloud. What a privilege to be in the company of those who have run the race, finished the course and kept the faith. We praise you Father for those who have been directly influential in our lives and those we have only read about but have still had such an impact on us. Their stories and their witness provides legacies that live for generations and change countless lives, including ours. We pray God that you help us meld into that long line of witnesses as we finish our race. We love you Lord and praise you and thank you for your great grace and for your amazing love. Help us run well today. Amen and amen.

Love you dear one,



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