October 29–God With Us

Happy Tuesday. Today is my grandson Lane’s birthday. When Lane was born, he weighed less than 2 pounds—he was 12 weeks early. He struggled for a couple of weeks but as God protected him and held him tenderly, he began to breathe on his own and put on weight. He was released from the NICU after 44 days. Today, he is a healthy, smart and very active nine year old. 

“But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength so that I might preach the Good News in its entirety for all the Gentiles to hear. And he rescued me from certain death. Yes, and the Lord will deliver me from every evil attack and will bring me safely into his heavenly Kingdom. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen.”

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4:17-18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Just as God stood by our tiny baby Lane, He stood by Paul and He stands by us, too. The greatest purpose for all our lives is to proclaim God's goodness and His glory to a world who doesn't know Him. Sharing His love to a world desperate for love is a calling we cannot ignore. After He rescues us, we have testimonies. These personal stories of redemption and transformation are not ours to keep but for the purpose of sharing with those around us. Telling others what Jesus has done for us let’s others understand what can happen to them. Sharing personal example lets them know that they too can put their faith and trust in the God who shuts the mouths of our "lions." 

God entrusted each of us with a story to share with a world that is hurting and needs to know God sees them and loves them. God help us all to share our testimony with boldness for His glory. 

“If you could see, where Jesus

brought me from to where I am today,

And you would know the reason

why I love Him so

You can take, take this world,

it's wealth and riches

I don't need earth's fame.

It's my desire, to live for Him.”

Dear Jesus,

Help us to proclaim Your goodness, Your provision, and Your protection to a lost and dying world. Through the testimonies of our lives, help others to see You and put their faith in You. You have redeemed us and set us free from the shackles of death. There is not greater message that we should be sharing. What a wonderful God you are and we desire to praise you and lift you up. Amen and amen.

Love you dear friend,



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