September 3

Happy Tuesday! It’s back to the doctor today for me. I just can’t get on top of whatever it is that has a hold of me. I wish I could be more like Paul—Hardships certainly never seem to slow the apostle down. I try to put myself in his mindset and his attitude that I’m sure was partially positive thinking but obviously much more. What helps us to move forward even when our bodies fail us and we are discouraged? 

When Paul first got to Corinth, he had wonderful friends to stay with, work to do, needs met, and God had assured him in a vision to keep speaking because he would be kept safe. I’m sure he wanted to just stay there forever with that church but alas, after about a year and a half, it was time again to more on. Listening to God’s guidance, he sailed to Ephesus. And of course, the believers there also begged him to stay, but he left Ephesus setting sail for Caesarea. 

“When they asked him to spend more time with them, he declined. But as he left, he promised, “I will come back if it is God’s will.” Then he set sail from Ephesus. When he landed at Caesarea, he went up to Jerusalem and greeted the church and then went down to Antioch. Acts‬ ‭18:20-22 NIV‬‬

That phrase—“if it is God’s will”—punctures our hedge of comfort. Paul was sailing toward more persecution and suffering. Soon he would willingly journey to Jerusalem knowing he would likely be arrested and put to death. Why? Because it was God’s will, spoken to Paul, and there was no other decision but joyful obedience. How often do we make plans and purchases assuming that God is with us?

Do we really want to know God’s will for our lives or would we rather just meander along in blissful ignorance? Then, we can’t figure out why we can’t hear from God. But what if God’s will means discomfort or worse? What if God wants us to leave our house, city, state or even country? It is so easy to make our decisions based on personal comfort and personal preference instead of purpose. Phrases like “you are created on purpose for a purpose” are easy to read and even quote, but really difficult to actively put into practice. When we come to grips with the fact and understand that God has a plan for us, it can be a scary prospect. We have to face the question “Are we ready to obey no matter the cost?”

Lord help us to obey. Open our ears and help us to listen to you Father and to your guiding through your precious Spirit. Help us to begin to comprehend your love and to discover and fulfill our purpose in you. You created us to be more and we pray for the wisdom and the strength to hear and follow your calling. We pray for those friends and family who are fighting illness and disease and we pray you would surround them on this journey. Let them know you are holding and caring for them. Praise you Jehovah Rapha! Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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