August 8-Good Times and Hard Times

It’s Thursday and we certainly had storms last night and it looks like more today! Here in southwest Missouri, we went from beautiful, sunshiny Tuesday to cloudy and stormy Wednesday. Quite the contrast in days much like reading through Psalms 22 and Psalms 23. These Psalms (both written by David), are back to back, yet they are night and day (storm and sunshine) different. 

Psalm 22 is about as dark as it can get. This is the song the Savior quoted while He was on the cross, in great agony and near death. He cried out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?”

‭‭(Psalm‬ ‭22:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬) The rest of the Psalm continues on in sad, heart-wrenching lament, with some praises thrown in. And then in stark contrast, Psalm 23 is as beautiful and serene as they come, - a beautiful picture of God’s care for His child where “goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”

Jesus refers to the church as His bride and when I read through these passages, it certainly does seem as though the author has a marriage-relationship with God. There are times when marriages are great, communication is open and needs are being met. Then, there are those times when it’s just not like that for one reason or another, life gets in the way. Those are the times of fidelity and hanging in there because you know you have made a commitment to love, and we remember the good times even though we may be groaning. 

It helps us to know that even the Savior went through hard times, tough times when it seems like God is distant and has forgotten about us. It’s also reassuring to know that there are other times when we know He’s very present and hears everything we say. 

I’ve been praying for a few weeks about a situation that needed an answer. I prayed, listened and searched the scripture, but really, got nothing. I didn’t feel as defeated as David in chapter 22, but I wasn’t feeling like God cared very much about me. On Saturday, I was talking to a friend about something an issue and I (almost without thinking) said “I’ll just pray for that.” (I am always afraid I’ll forget when I tell someone that, so I try to do it quickly.) I was on my way to my car, but before I started it, I sat there for a couple of minutes and prayed just for that. In less than 2 hours God had answered exceedingly and abundantly—chapter 23. 

Life with God includes both kinds of faith; that child-like faith when God is close, prayers are answered and God seems intimate and caring, as well as the times of mysterious, deeper faith where it may be dark and God stays silent. Fidelity faith means learning to trust though the dark times, out beyond what we can see, God still reigns and has not abandoned us, regardless of how it may feel. God is good when times are great and God is good when times are not. All the time, He is good. 

Thank you Father for giving us the sunshine days when we feel your presence and you answer our cries. And thank you for the dark times that teach us more about faith and steadfastness of our walk with you. We sometimes feel as though we have been poured out like water, but Jehovah, we know you still care and you are still good. What a glorious God you are who sets a table for us right in the middle of chaos and opposition! We know you reign and that you alone are God. We praise you for all the mighty things you have done and for who you are. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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