August 6–Growing

Happy Tuesday to you! Today, my sister is bringing her grandson to my house to spend some time with some of my grandkids (cousins day). I’ve been spending quite a bit of time praying for my grandkids lately—one in the Navy, one heading off to college, a baby who is running a fever and feeling crummy, one starting the 8th grade, and a few more of them—all in various stages of maturity. 

It’s like the body of Christ, in all stages of maturity. Before we are born again, we are full of unbelief. Once we become a believer, we are spiritual babies, needing the milk of the word, needing the basics because we are ignorant of the scripture and its principles. We are hungry and want to know all about God’s plan for us. We need spiritual “parents” to watch over us and nurture us. 

When we become “children” we are ready for “chicken nuggets” —a little deeper teaching but not terribly complex. We are mostly selfish in our needs, but that is because spiritually, we’re still kids and the world should revolve around us. Our appetite has slowed down a little, and we may be a picky eater. We tend to see everything from a self-perspective—we want the music to be like we like it, we don’t like it when scripture contradicts what we “want” to believe, we don’t like changes (in our groups or the church). 

When we mature into young adults, we’re ready for a cheeseburger, or complete immersion into the word. We move into the realm of service because we are striving to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We are thinking of others, rather than ourselves. Our appetites are strong and our palettes welcome a variety of tastes. We are reading the Bible for all it’s worth and not skipping around. 

And finally, when we move into parenthood, we are ready to disciple others; to care and nurture infants and children. Our appetites are refined and we may chew on a piece of scripture for quite some time to understand the nuances of it. Our focus is on evangelism and discipleship—bringing others to Jesus.  

It’s a natural progression and even though we all start as babies, the Lord expects us to grow into maturity and not stay on a milk diet.  

“Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.” 2 Peter‬ ‭3:18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

And as we grow in the grace and knowledge, we are to continually be moving toward our next goal and not stagnate. (Hebrews 5:12-6:1) The writer of Hebrews tells us to become mature in our understanding. Peter asks that we may be given more grace and peace as we grow. James tells us that we grow when we are tested. Paul talks about growing to the Corinthians, the Galatians, the Ephesians, the Colossians, etc. Grow, mature, reproduce—-like every living thing. 

Lord help us to grow and mature in you as believers. Help us to work our way to the place where we are more concerned with the salvation of others and less concerned with ourselves. We thank you Jesus for salvation, for moving us from death to life. We are overwhelmed be your great love for us and by your great grace. Hallelujah for the cross that makes us children of God, for we are chosen, not forsaken, we are who you say we are. We offer to you all our worship and praise. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,




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