August 16–Psalm 124

Happy Friday! How have things gone this week for you? I hope you haven’t had to deal with anything awful. My niece and her son were in Old Navy at the Legends in Kansas City this week and a policeman rushed in a had everyone quickly go to the back of the store. It seems a gunman was was loose who had shot his wife and was trying to kill more people so the police would shoot him—which they ultimately did. This is what can happen when people don’t have anywhere to turn. When they don’t know they can “look to the hills where their help comes from”. Haven’t you wondered “What do people do who don’t have the Lord? Where do they turn when life is awful and they are left standing all alone?” Those “What if” scenarios leading to disastrous outcomes if we are alone and played out in our imaginations. In the opening of Psalm 124 we’re asked “What if the Lord had not been on our side...” The writer then considers the result of great peril without God’s aid -- complete destruction by our enemies. And where would we be without the great mercy of God? We would be dead in our sins with no hope of revival, left with what we’ve rightfully earned by our devices (oh mercy!). 

The chapter 'goes on to proclaim that while we are fully helpless in our own strength, the LORD is on our side! And not only has He provided a way of escape, but what once trapped us has been completely broken. Here we are reminded not only of our present victory over the trials we face in this life, but our eternal victory in Christ, who conquered death once and for all by His death on the cross. 

The key to our victory today in whatever stands before us is found in verses 6–8:

“Praise the Lord, who did not let their teeth tear us apart! We escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap. The trap is broken, and we are free! Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalms‬ ‭124:6-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Looking to God as your helper, instead of the false gods in our present day, will transform the question of “What if?” from what was once uttered from a place of anxiety and fear to one of wonder and faith... for nothing is impossible with our God. 

“For the word of God will never fail. ””

‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:37‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Lord God of Heaven, thank you for never failing us. Thank you that you are always there in our time of need, that you are our strong helper. We can’t thank you enough for being our refuge and our strength in times of trouble and in times of calm. Where would we be without our God? We sing hallelujah to the God of Abraham and Isaac and Joshua. Lord we want the people around us to see the gospel truth of Jesus in our lives and be drawn to Him because of what we say and do. You have anointed us with power and ability through the Holy Spirit so we can be like Jesus and go around doing good—meeting needs. Help us to seize the opportunities. Surround us this day Lord, go before us and fight our battles. We love you and we praise you Father for who you are and lo the mighty things you have done. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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