August 13

Happy Tuesday to you! We have had a fairy wet summer, but even so, I’ve had to water my grass some. Believe it or not, I’m having the worst time with sprinklers and their timers. No matter how many times I reset them, they are determined to water 2 or 3 times a night! It’s like there is an evil minion trapped in those sprinklers just laughing at me. 

Isn’t that how this life is though? All sorts of things trip us up and prevent a “smooth sailing” kind of life. When we read Psalms 121, we understand that the Psalmist decided to fully trust in God when He needed help. 

“I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!” Psalms‬ ‭121:1-2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We know that as the pilgrims were making their way across the hills to Jerusalem , there were many diversions (and perversions) along the road. All sorts of shrines for idols, that tempted the traveler into spiritual and sexual messes. 

As we journey toward our true home in heaven, we are also tempted at every step. We aren’t tempted by idols, but we are tempted to worship false gods—wealth, beauty, power, popularity, career success, even education. Our own best attempt at being a good person can be a contender for our heart’s throne. For our journey to be a success, for us to have a hope and a sure basis for this journey, we have to lift our eyes up and fix them on the Creator, the absolute one who made the heavens and the earth. When we are offered tempting solutions to the monotony of our life, we are called to listen to God’s instructions and to His alone. We trust He alone will give the joy and protection for the journey that we need at any hour—the armor provided by the hand of a God who never sleeps. His promise to sustain us can give us the boldness to keep moving forward step by step. 

The psalmist declares that God is his helper (Verses 1-2), his keeper (Verses 3-4), his protector (Verses 5-6) and his guard (Verses 7-8) and we too can declare these truths at every step of our journey. 

Lord Jesus thank you for the armor to make it through this life—thank you for helping us, keeping us, for protecting us, and guarding us as we face every day’s challenges. You are the God who can and we certainly need you for the little things like sprinklers to the massive things like cancer of our loved ones. You are the one true God and we worship you in spirit and in truth today. We offer you praise and thanksgiving for your continued blessings and care for us. We love you Lord. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one, 



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