August 12–God With Us

It’s Monday! And what a glorious day that the Lord has made! This week in southwest Missouri, the kids (and teachers) start on a new journey—the new school year begins with all sorts of exciting and marvelous things to be encountered, learned and experienced.  

 The Psalms of the Assent (120-134) reminds us of the journey we all are on as we encounter and learn from this life. 

Traditionally, we are told that the Psalms of the Assent were recited by Pilgrims as they made their assent toward Jerusalem and the Temple Mount for the three festivals. Some scholars believe they were sung by the Levite singers as they ascended the fifteen steps to minister at the Temple. One view says the Levites first sang the Songs at the dedication of Solomon's temple during the night of the fifteenth of Tishri 959 BC and another suggests that they were composed for a celebration after Nehemiah’s rebuilding of the walls in 445 BC.

And, they may have been used for all or at least some of those things. Nonetheless, they are all hopeful and mostly positive. For us, the most important thing about them is they are useful for us to study as we continue our walk through this life. 

Psalm 120 speaks of being in the midst of enemies or trials. 

“I call on the Lord in my distress, and he answers me.” Psalm‬ ‭120:1‬ ‭NIV

The psalmist tells us that instead of running from God in the midst of a deep hurt, he ran to Him. He didn’t try to take matters into his own hands or to get even, he invited God right into the middle of the mess and asked for deliverance. He admits he needs God to intervene, whether it was his fault of not. I love the fact that he has no fear that God isn’t listening or that God might turn him away, but rather he is confident that when he sets his problem at the feet of God, it will be handled. Our response to trials we face determines the future much more than the issue itself. 

How easy is it to forget that the Lord is actually waiting for us to ask for His help? He is not a pushy God and He’s not going to force Himself into our situations if He hasn’t been asked. He does however, hope that we will be humble enough to admit that we need Him. He wants so badly to be our helper and comforter and He is more than ready to step into every situation when we simply ask. 


We may not be able to control our hardships, but we can always control where we run in the midst of them.

Lord thank you for always being a God who answers—a God who desires to share your presence with us. We are so blessed that in times of trouble, we can bring you strength into the middle of any mess. We love you and adore you and we simply don’t know how we can maneuver though this life without you. What a great God you are! We come to you today on behalf of friends and family fighting emotional and physical disease. Push back the darkness Lord, and let them feel your presence. Let them know you are right there with them and they don’t have to face this trial alone. We praise you Jehovah Jirah. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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