June 26

Happy Friday! Here we are at the end of another week—can you even believe it? Yesterday, Bailey and Braden and I finished off our evening with spectacular fireworks at Silver Dollar City. They really were something. And at the end, they were shooting off so many at one time, it was just a multicolored light extravaganza for a few minutes. We were in awe. Unbelievable! Do you ever find yourself saying that over circumstances? Times when things are either so amazing or bizarre that we think “How could this really be happening?” 

Jesus’ disciples said that a lot about things He did and the road He wanted to travel. He made all kinds of bizarre statements about believing in Him. He called Himself Water, Bread, the Cornerstone, the Gate, the Light, the Vine, the Shepherd, the Life, the Resurrection, the Way, the Truth, and the Son of Man, as well as a few others. Even though somethings and sometimes it may be unbelievable, He told us that we must believe He is who He says He was if we really are one of His. 

“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."”

‭‭John‬ ‭8:31-32, 

So if we believe in Jesus, we know Him and therefore, we know Truth and that sets us free. Free from the weight of guilt and sin, and freedom from being a slave to all that comes with that. 

Then He said, “If you hold to my teachings, you are my disciples.” Oh man! So....if we truly want to say we are a disciple of Jesus, what He says here is that we have to do what He said..yeah...that means exactly that. Loving our neighbors, and harder still, loving our enemies, taking care of the poor, sharing the gospel in ashamedly, giving of your self to others, and an attitude of “if you have two coats and someone has none, give him one.” 

The deepest knowing, the deepest believing comes from doing. Our actions take us to a whole new level of belief. If you want to be a student of Jesus, do what he says. He says to us all “Come to me and have life.”

Who am I that the highest King

Would welcome me?

I was lost but He brought me in

Oh His love for me!

Who the Son sets free

Oh is free indeed

I’m a child of God, Yes I am.

Dear Jesus Thank you for paying the price to set us free! Thank f

You for the mercy and grace that sustains us daily as we strive to follow the path you have laid out for us. You’re a kind, loving God who cares deeply for us. Help us to learn every day the lesson you have for us that will mould us and make us more like you. Care for those who are suffering today—our friends and families who have loss and who are fighting battles of all kinds. We are your children. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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