July 9

Good Tuesday Morning to you! I hope your week has started off well. Can you believe how quickly summer is rushing by? Maybe it’s my age. I was talking with a friend yesterday and speaking of life, she said “It’s gone fast!” I remember my grandma saying the same thing. Maybe that’s why as people we like to make sure we mark where things happened—life goes so quickly, we don’t want anyone to forget. 

When the remains of Caiaphas’ palace were discovered, there was very little of them left. Most of what remains is predominantly the sub terrain dungeons, so a church was built in 1931 over the site where the palace originally stood. Just outside the church is the courtyard area where Peter most probably warmed himself by the fire and was confronted as being one of Jesus’ followers. This site is also called Saint Peter’s In Gallicantu, or the place of the cock crow, because it is the site where Peter denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed.

“Peter replied, “Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭22:60-62‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Can you imagine what it felt like when Jesus looked him straight in the eye? I am excited to see Jesus, but not like that! 

Peter was not like the rest of the disciples—his passion knew no bounds. Just hours before he’d promised the Lord he’d die with Him, tried to kill the Temple guard, and yet, here he was. The thing I do love about Peter is that although he ran away with all the other disciples when Jesus was arrested, he did come back—he denied he knew Jesus, but he was there. He wanted to be close to his dear friend and Teacher, but proximity does not equal discipleship. Saying we are a person of faith does not make us full of the Spirit of God. 

Peter had passionate in spades, but passion alone does not provide our hope. We can get all stirred up and be so “ready” and then, when we are put in the spot, we deny we know Him. At this point Peter’s faith, his hope, was no more secure than than the religious leaders who were trying desperately to hold on to their position and traditions and rid themselves of this young Jewish revolutionary. Jesus came that we might be free of needing position, of needing tradition, or needing to stir up our passion to provide some sense of hope. He came that we might have life, have hope, and have it more abundantly. Not a false hope, but one that is safe and secure. A hope for this life and for the next. 

Jesus, Savior thank you for your grace, your mercy and your hope that is steadfast and sure. You are the rock we can cling to and the shelter from the storms of this life. Father I pray today for our friends and family who are facing some of life’s biggest challenges. Bless them and surround them with your sweet Spirit. We pray especially for those who are so very ill and ready to see your face—cradle them Jesus as they enter into their reward. We love you and adore you Lord and we bring to you the sacrifice of praise this day. Hallelujah to the Lamb. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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