July 7-Ascending

It’s the weekend and I’m late writing. I was so very tired yesterday, I decided to wait for the weekend devotion until Sunday. This morning, I’m excited for my corporate worship time and for learning truth that builds my faith. 

Corporate worship time must have been important to Jesus, too. He spent much time in the temple, reading and teaching, even as a child. The last time Jesus entered the temple at Jerusalem was on Tuesday of Passion Week. Recall that on Sunday, He rode in on the donkey and went Into the temple. On Monday, He cleansed the temple of the money changers and others who sought to profit from people simply coming to worship. And on Tuesday, His last time there, He condemned the religious authorities and proclaimed His deity. 

The steps Jesus would have taken up to the temple are, in large part, still there. They are 200-feet wide and are different widths and heights. The walker could not ascend to Temple Mount without paying careful attention to what they were doing because of the irregular cadence. Most believe the Jews would have recited the Psalms of the Ascent as they made their way to Temple Mount. There are 15 wide steps and 15 songs (Ps 120-134). 

At the top of the Southern Steps, at the far east of the stairway, stands a triple gate—today closed with stones. This gate, called the Huldah or Eastern Gate, served as a primary entrance into a subterranean tunnel that ascended into the Temple Courts. At the far west of the broad staircase, a double gate stood—today only a portion of this gate and its lintel can been seen. This gate represented an exit, and the stairway below it—with their alternating wide and narrow steps—offered a place for teaching, for visiting, or for a simple descent.

As I walked up those steps and thought of the millions of feet that have made their way up them, I thought about the Psalms of the Ascent and the many times they have been recited in that place. I thought of the Savior walking the steps, reciting the songs, for the very last time. 

Songs trigger our memories. Songs of our childhood and high school years, patriotic songs like we sang last Thursday, Christmas songs, they all trigger memories and serve as reminders. The Psalms of Ascent that the pilgrims of old would recite from memory several times a years served as reminders of faith, forgiveness, family, children, peace, hope, brotherhood, sacrifice, and right attitudes toward God and people. What was true then remains true for us: “Without simple reminders, we would forget essential truths.”

“I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭121:1-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Lord of Israel, thank you for your songs, songs that help us remember and trigger our memories. Thank you for teaching us your ways and your will for our lives. Thank you for never sleeping and always watching over us. How amazing you are that you who made the heaven and the earth will not let us fall. We offer you praise for the blessings and opportunities you lay before us this and every day. Teach us Lord to be ever mindful of others and to fully rely on you. We ask you to surround those we love who are fighting illness and disease and all manner of attacks from the enemy. Touch them Lord with your hand of mercy. Thank you for your grace and your mercy to us that we might be called the sons and daughters of the Most High. How blessed we are! Hallelujah to El Elyon. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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