July 27–Guppies 

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great time this weekend and were able to join in corporate worship time. I’m babysitting this week for a tub-full of guppies. I’m not a great pet person (my sister has always called my house the “pet death farm”) and this experience hasn’t proved her wrong. I just got them Saturday and by Sunday morning 4 were dead. After church, 3 more had bit the dust. So I decided I needed to do something different. I thought they needed more water so I filled a big pot full to sit and I went to the store to find something to add air and dechlorinate the new water. 

When I got home, 6 more were dead! So I looked In he garage and found a styrofoam cooler that was bigger and I transferred them to that, hooked up the new pump, taped it in place, and after the tablet had stopped fizzing (per instructions) I carried to pot of water around to pour into the new fish home. It was about this time, something happened and I spilled that pot everywhere! The rug was soaked, I was soaked, the floor was ridiculously wet and water had splashed everywhere and onto everything. What a mess! 

I thought “What does this remind me of in the Bible?” “How can I learn from this?” And I got nothing...it’s just a mess! And you know, sometimes life is just that. A mess. Sometimes a big mess and we have no idea how we got there or what caused it to happen, but it’s a mess. 

I’m reading a few books right now, and one is “The Bible Jesus Read” by Yancey. It’s about the Old Testament and what we can learn by reading it. I’ve always loved the stories of the Old Testament, and maybe because there are no punches pulled—it’s real. Real people sometimes making real mistakes and finding themselves in real messes. But time and again, God shows himself to be “a God who takes delight in His people”. David and the other Psalmists seemed as though they are stunned that a God way up in the heavens could care about what happens on this planet, but again and again, God irrefutably proves it to them. 

And He proves it to us if we but look for the ways. As we read the Bible, we see God moving is amazing ways and we tend to think “that was then and this is now” but God still cares very much about us and He still moves in the hearts of people. And the words of the Old Testament are still very relevant today. 

“I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭121:1-5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I learned a new phrase yesterday “anthropoid” principle. It means “the cosmological principle that theories of the universe are constrained by the necessity to allow human existence.” In other words, the whole universe has been designed so that we could be here. (Even agnostic scientists admit this is real.) And the Old Testament is so much more—it gives us a sense of destiny. We do not exist in a meaningless world, but we are alive to fulfill a meaningful destiny ordained for us by a personal God...messes and all. 

Lord God, thank you for your Word—all of it. For every scripture is profitable for us and we can learn from it all. Hallelujah for the rich and wonderful ancient words that you have carefully protected throughout history. And how amazing it is that over the course of history, your inspiration of the text knits it together. Lord give us a deep love for your Word and a desire to study it more and to have it ever present in our minds. You are a great God and we cherish you. We pray for those who are hurting this day and for those who are battling sickness and disease. We ask for your touch on their lives today-that they would feel you and know you are with them. Thank you Father for your mercy and your great grace on our messy lives. Praise you. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,


PS. Braden leaves for his assignment at Pearl Harbor today. He’s assigned to the submarine USS Greenville. We certainly covet your prayers for him. 


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