July 15-the Tunnels

Good Monday! I hope you had a great weekend and you spent some time with fellow believers worshiping and strengthening your walk with the Lord. Last night I got together with my group from the Holy Land and we had a great time of food and fellowship in a beautiful setting. We talked about how meaningful our trip had been and how very much it all meant to each of us—the Sea of Galilee, Mt Nebo, Ceserea by the sea, Capernium, Gethsemene, the Western Wall...

I don’t know what was the “most meaningful” to me, but I know when we went into the tunnels to see the base and the entire length of the Herodian Western Wall where the excavations under the city were taking place, I got chills when I realized how very close to the Holy of Holies we must have been. We we at the spot where Jehovah God dwelt. 

The Western Wall is like an iceberg In that most of it is under the ground buried beneath time. Above ground, the “famous” part is about 200 feet long. Under ground, you can walk the entire length of the additional 1,591 feet. These are the same walls that Herod built when he expanded the Temple Mount in 19 BC. I was awestruck by the feat of engineering! Even after the destruction of the temple by the Romans in 70 AD, these walls and the Temple Mount platforms remain. 

The stones all had what we learned were Herod’s signature “picture frame” relief around the edges and some of those stones were just monstrous. The largest one found is about 44 feet long, 10 feet high and 12 feet wide and is estimated to weigh 570 tons—as much as 4 jumbo jets! It’s the largest one of its kind in the Middle East. Evidently we aren’t even sure how on earth they built this wall. The machines that we know they were using at the time, simply don’t stand up to model testing when researchers have tried to recreate how it was accomplished. 

The place that is closest to where the holy of holies was is just a little wide spot in the tunnels, lit by a dim bulb. In it, there are people praying—and not paying much heed to the tour groups going by. Their devotion and single-mindedness was remarkable. 

It’s amazing to think about holiness as you are in that place—we are called to be holy, (“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1:15‬) yet only one person has ever truly been holy. And when he talked about himself, his simile was a temple.

“Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”” John‬ ‭2:19‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Isn’t it amazing that in calling himself a temple, He was confirming that within him was the place where the glory of God resides? He was saying that God would be able to atone for the sin of the world through his body and that in three days, he would conquer death. 

Holiness is in God alone and that same holiness is given to us as a gift. Only through Jesus Christ can God see us as holy. How wonderful is the gift that we can know the glory of God in all His holiness and that glory and holiness can reside within each of us! That makes my heart sing and feel so very grateful and humble all at the same time. What a wonderful name it is!

Jehovah God Almighty, thank you for wonderful friends who share in the glory you bring to us. Thank you for your indwelling in less than perfect vessels that often fall short of your holiness. Your grace overwhelms us. We are so blessed and honored to be called your children and to be counted as worth of your great love. Praise you Lord for you are good. Lord forgive us for being passive in areas of our lives and teach us to fully engage with you and the holiness you represent. What a powerful name and what a precious fellowship you are. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,


PS Pictures of the tunnels are of Facebook 


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