June 19-Too Familar?

Happy Wednesday! I’m still in Branson with the kids and I’m starting to wear out! After two days of going strong, I’m starting to struggle. Having fun is hard work! Fun like I’m sure Jesus had when He was growing up in the sleepy little town of Nazerath. ““Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael asked. “Come and see,” said Philip.” John‬ ‭1:46‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Nazerath is no longer a quite place, but it is a busy, happening place. With a population of 2/3 Muslim, the feel here is different than in other Israeli towns. There are churches at all sorts of locations, including the place where they think Joseph’s carpentry shop may have been. 

Nazerath sits on top of a ridge, overlooking the beautiful Jezereel Valley and the battlefields of history. He grew up off the beaten path of the trade routes but at a place He could see it all. He could see where Gideon fought the Mideonites at the base of Mt Gilboa and Mt Tabor where Deborah and Barak defeated Sisera and the top of Mt Gilboa where Saul was killed. And Tel Megiddo where many battles were fought. And that is the place where the gathering will happen in preparation for the battle of Armageddon. “And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭2:40‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The church of the Church of the Annunciation marks the traditional location where the Ángel Gabriel visited Mary. The current 1969 church replaced the church built in 1730 which was built over the Crusader’s 10th century church which was built on the Byzantine 5th century church. So there is a pretty strong tradition that it’s the location. But for me, it isn’t so much about “this is the exact place where it happened” but that it DID happen (and I was close!). 

Amazingly, this is the only town where Jesus marveled at their unbelief. They said “Aren’t you the carpenter’s son? Aren’t you the brother of the guys we know? Why do you think you’re so special?” They thought they knew Him. As He read the words of Isaiah and told them prophesy was fulfilled, they became so enraged that “one of them” was elevating himself that they took him to the edge and were going to throw him off the cliff, but He passed right through them (wouldn’t you like to have seen that?)

Sometimes, I think maybe I think of Jesus a little too ordinary. I’ve read the stories and heard about him all my life. And I admit it, I love information. So I study about Him but in doing so, it’s easy to forget about the relationship with Him. He is my God and my King and that needs to come first. I don’t want to ever become like the people of Nazerath and be too familiar with the Lord, so familiar that He loses His Lordship of my life. Maybe today, it’s about listening.

Lord Jesus, you came from the town where Nathanael questioned and you are God. You loved your hometown even when they rejected you. Your wisdom and understanding was beyond anything they could comprehend and you knew that. You love us even we we are limited in our ability to understand and when we think we know “all about you.” Help us to seek the deeper truth that comes from an abiding relationship with you. We praise you Jesus, for you alone are worthy and we sing hallelujah to you because of your promise. Thank you Lord for caring for us. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,


PS Picsof Nazareth are on FB


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