June 15

It’s Saturday and I’m almost back to normal today (although I’ve been up since 3:01)! Day two of my pilgrimage was at the place Jesus chose to move when He left home. Capernaum, on the east side of Sea of Galilee was where He would would call home during His time of ministry. From Capernaum if you follow the shore southward out of town, it’s about a 2 hour walk (6 miles) down to Magnala, the home of Mary Magdalene and another 4 miles on to Tiberias, all the while the Cliffs of Arbel would be to your right.   

“Leaving Nazareth, he went and lived in Capernaum, which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali— to fulfill what was said through the prophet Isaiah...”. Matthew‬ ‭4:13 NIV‬‬

This is a rich, fertile area (Mangos, avocados, bananas, olives) where by all indications people were well fed and happy. It was a multicultural area since it was directly on major roads connecting Egypt and Syria and Mesopotamia. About 1,500 people were living in this bustling little city with tradition, Roman soldiers, services, and corruption. But because of the diversity, they were more open to change. It was also the home of Peter, James, John, Andrew and Matthew. Jesus intentionally picked this place to be His homebase. 

“He said this while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum.”

‭‭John‬ ‭6:59‬ ‭NIV

It was a strategic move. Since it was on the highway, communication was good—word could spread 20 miles a day in both directions. In two days thousands of people could know what Jesus had said and done and it was easy for people to get to where He was. It’s the same reason I went there—that’s where He was. 

The remains of several structures are there, including the temple and Peter’s house. Strong archeological evidence and strong tradition let’s us know with 99% confidence, this was the home of Peter and where Jesus spent much time. The original floor has been exposed—the very stones where Jesus would have walked. 

It was here in this place that I was struck by the realization of “It really happened. And it happened right here.” I don’t mean that I didn’t believe it before, (I did) but for me, the disconnect was connected—the veil was gone—and it all became abundantly clear; It really, truly happened. 

Since that time, I’ve thought about Jesus leaving his boyhood home and going to a rough place, where He knew people would eventually reject His offer of the Kingdom, yet He went because it was the place to best do the Father’s business. It makes me wonder if I make strategic moves to best do the Father’s business, the things Jesus has called me to or do I make moves more like the people of Capernaum—for profit or comfort. I think this move of His signifies to us that we need to be intentional with our jobs, our homes and our daily lives to be in the strategic place to best follow the Master and fulfill our calling.  

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:33‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Lord Jesus, thank you for moving to that city by the sea. You are the perfect example to us that we can’t just sit back and be complacent where we are comfortable, but we need to be in the strategic place you choose for us to fulfill your calling. We understand that this short life is the only time in eternity that we can glorify you through hardships, so let us bring you glory through all of our actions. We praise you for you are a great God; we sing hallelujah to the Lamb. We pray for peace for your homeland and for eyes to be opened and hearts to understand 

You are Messiah. Bless our friends and family who are suffering through illness and hard times. We ask for your touch in their lives. Thank you Lord. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,


PS. Photos of Capernaum are on Facebook today. 


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