May 7–The Benefits of the Bible

Happy Tuesday to you. I have a group of friends that meet regularly together—it’s kind of therapy and “we love each other and want to make sure we don’t lose touch with one another” group. We have decided we need a mission statement and maybe within that we can come up with a purpose for meeting. After laughing about that for a few minutes, i decided we should add a 10-15 minute Bible Study. Anytime we gather together is a great time for Gods Word to be shared and He offers us such great blessings from delving into those Ancient Words. 

God gives us the promise that His Word gives us wisdom. Reading, studying and meditating on this testimony of God can take foolish, clueless people and make them wise to the point they are skilled in daily life. 

“The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple” Psalm 19:7b, NKJV

Don’t you love that He uses the word testimony? It literally means to bear witness. It’s as though God is giving a witness of His actions. God is giving a report or, we might even say that He is taking the stand in His own defense. Can you just imagine Almighty God being sworn in at a trial, raising His right hand, and giving his testimony of Himself?

“This truth gives them confidence that they have eternal life, which God—who does not lie—promised them before the world began.” Titus‬ ‭1:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We know that God cannot lie, so that this testimony is sure, which means it is reliable and eternal. This gives us a profile of God as the one who always, who only, speaks the truth. The testimony of the Lord is so sure and perfect that it is able to take people with no clue about where they are headed or why, and turn them into individuals characterized by wisdom. How awesome is that?  

Lord God Almighty, you are holy and perfect. Your Great Word is sure and lasts forever. We praise you for your great grace that flows over those of us who are so very imperfect as well as unsure. We love you and we sing Hallelujah to your great Name. Circle us Father with your Spirit. Help us to pray for each other and to lend our hands to each another. Thank you for the opportunities to share your testimony and your crazy, amazing and overwhelming love with a broken world-we are so honored. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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