May 6 - The Law of the Lord

It’s Monday and a great day that the Lord has made. How many Bibles do you have? I have several as well as the one on my phone. I tend to shift from time to time which is my favorite and now, I’m reading out of my Archeological Bible that gives you background, history, cultural insight. I really enjoy that, but my favorite part is the cover says “Momma” because it was a gift from my kids. The inside says “From the best kids you are ever gonna have!” Which is a flip of what I told them when they weren’t too happy with me, “I’m the best Momma you’ll ever have!” 

Isn’t it good to know that our Bibles are from “The best God” we could ever have? Or every want? Such a marvelous gift from the Father to give us His very thoughts. His Word is so full of promises and instructions that if we are using it as we should, all kinds of blessings result. The Bible tells us in multiple places about the specific blessings waiting for us in the Word. 

“The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. Reverence for the Lord is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the Lord are true; each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭19:7-10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It revives the ‬‬soul, it makes us wiser, it brings joy and it helps us in everyday life, and it brings peace. When we speak of God’s word as perfect, it immediately becomes the standard. 

The word perfect means literally “all-sided” or “many-faceted” which means “all encompassing” or “thorough in every respect.” The law of the Lord is so all-sided, so comprehensive that it’s able to totally transform us every piece of us. 

The Psalmist tells us that God’s Word, His law is so totally complete that it is able to convert the soul. The word convert is pretty far reaching—it’s a great word. Some translations use the word “revive” or “restore,” but the most accurate meaning is “transform.”

God promises that His law is so totally comprehensive that, whatever the condition of the individual soul, His Word can transform it from top to bottom, from inside to outside, from past to future. Scripture changes us to the very core of who we are as a person. Reading and meditating on the Bible needs to be a focus for us—not just if we have nothing going kind-of-thing. 

God thank you for your Holy Word and its transformative power. We pray Lord we can become better students and better listeners of what your Scripture says to us. Show us how we might become transformed by those ancient words that are as relevant today as they were the day they were written. We love you and praise you for the Lamp for our feet and the Light for our path. The Word never fails, never fades and hallelujah, endures forever. You are a Great God. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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