May 3-

It’s Friday! I hope you are ready for a good weekend and a time to worship the Lord in fellowship with other believers. I went to church last night—yep, Thursday Night Church. I am loving it. Last night, after church I was tired and ready to rest. When I get in bed at night, I start to sketch out some ideas for the next morning. But before I go to sleep, I take one last look at the time and calculate how much sleep and how tired will I be when I wake up? Probably because I’m really tired. 

How do you get up? Early riser? Or do you hit that “snooze” once or twelve times before you crawl out of bed? Do you wake up slowly and chill a bit before you get up? Or do you bounce right up? I’m sort of a combination. Before you get up, do you orient yourself to the day ahead and line out all your calendar and tasks? Where does that newly awake mind take you? 

I try (and only about 1/2 of the time remember) to quote Lamentations and meditate just a few minutes. “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”

‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3:22-23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Every morning His mercies, His promises are new! Everyday we make a choice to accept those mercies and promises of God that are brand new or we can wallow in our selves. Its amazing how quickly we can get ourselves lined out for the day with schedules, to-do lists (which is my default) but I have found that meditation at night, right before I fall asleep, counting my blessings or recounting the glories of God, leads to a refreshing morning—one where a little personal worship can happen before I ever open my eyes. And if we become God-focused right out of the box, first thing in the morning, there just isn’t lots of room left for self-focusing. It’s like Paul told us, get rid of that old self every day. 

You came to the world You created

Trading Your crown for a cross

You willingly died

Your innocent life paid the cost

Counting Your status as nothing

The King of all kings came to serve

Washing my feet

Covering me with Your love

 If more of You Means less of me

Take everything

Yes, all of You, Is all I need

Take everything

Jesús Savior, thank you for paying the cost. Truly Lord, we pray that more of you would mean less of us. Thank you that we have a brand new chance each morning for your new mercies and to prepare our hearts for your brand new promises. You are such a good Father to us. You became broken to cover the brokenness that is us and we want you to fill us, take away self, pride, struggle...take everything and fill us with you. Just you Lord. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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