May 28–My Anniversary 

Happy Tuesday. I hope you had a great summer-kick-off-weekend. If you love summer as much as I do, I know you’re super pumped as it begins. We have also officially entered the wedding season. Last Saturday, I was able to attend an anniversary party for a couple that I love like parents. They have been married for 69 years and are so in love, it can just make you cry. 

Among other things, they sang a couple of songs for everyone—“I Want to Stroll Over Heaven with You” caused my tears to run over. Can a couple be more blessed than to walk through life with the very one they want to spend eternity with? They don’t have a lot of money or a big house, but they have a family who is crazy about them and friends galore. But mostly, they have Jesus. 

Dr. Tony Evans defines a Kingdom marriage as “a covenantal union between a man and a woman who commit themselves to function in unison under divine authority in order to replicate God’s image and expand His rule in the world through both their individual and joint callings.” (Wow, right?) 

So, Dr Evans tells us that marriage is not merely a social construct nor is a means to happiness. He believes that trying to find happiness is one of the main problems that many marriages face today. The most miserable of people are the ones who try to make themselves happy—we find happiness by putting other people first. Many couples relate to marriage only through social and emotional terms, but if we look back to the biblical understanding of marriage, it is a sacred covenant, to reflect His image and to advance His kingdom. 

Happiness is a benefit of marriage, but it is not the goal of marriage. The goal is to reflect God through advancing His kingdom on earth. Happiness is a serendipitous effect when the biblical goal is pursued and in that framework, shouldn’t we approach all areas of our lives in that same vein? Other relationships? Business? 

When my friends were walking across the yard hand in hand, it was pretty obvious, they had a 69-year Kingdom marriage. 

“For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭11:36‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Lord thank you for your model of love and devotion so that we might be able to share a little of that while we are here. You are a great God who has determined the best way for our lives and we worship you Lord. Give us the courage and wisdom to live our lives with and in front of everyone we know. You have given us a spirit of love, power and self-discipline that we might fearlessly live out the design of the Kingdom in our lives. Help us today to be led by your Spirit. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one, 



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