May 27-Memorial Day 

Happy Monday and Happy Memorial Day. So far I’ve had a packed-one—a Graduation party, a 69th wedding anniversary, a wedding, a baccalaureate and a graduation. And today, we will decorate the graves of our family members. I’ve heard that on Arm Forces Day, we remember our service folks in uniform; on Veterans Day we remember those who wore the uniform; and today, on Memorial Day, we remember those who never made it out of uniform. Regardless of what other things we do today, let us remember those who gave it all so we could be doing whatever it is that we are doing today. Our national “moment of remembrance” is at 3:00 p.m. when we are to pause one minute as an act of national unity. 

Recently I read a Memorial Day address of Billy Graham’s from 1955, and I was so moved that I wanted to share part of it. 

“As we think of the selflessness and heroism, we are reminded of the words of Jesus Christ who said: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

“The freedoms we enjoy, the freedoms we take so much for granted, the freedoms we so often trifle with were bought not by the gold of our millionaires, nor altogether the genius of our scientists, nor the sacrifices of the people at home, but primarily by the blood, sweat and agony of those whose names on this day we honor—those who died that we might live!”

“Even though the sacrifices of our war dead have been great, yet the greatest sacrifice of all time was made by a man on a cross who died not only physically but spiritually that men might live.”

“My mind goes back 2,000 years to a battle which was fought on a hill called Calvary. It was a battle of one young man against all the forces of evil. It seemed like a futile, hopeless struggle as Jesus Christ took on Satan’s task force single-handed. The jeers of the rabble, the spittle of the soldiers and the sneering of the people were incidental compared to the inner struggle which was taking place in His soul.”

“But I watch Him, as one hand is stretched out toward God and the other toward rebellious man, and He makes the connection and says: “It is finished.” He got through it for us!

If we are to be strong spiritually, it will be through Him. Thousands today are finding a fresh, new meaning of life through him. They are learning to say with confidence, “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthened me.” We can best keep faith with those who have gone before by keeping faith with ourselves, with our highest ideals and with God.”*

Lord Jesus, thank you for the men and women who were prepared to lay it all on the line for freedom. And thank you for giving everything so that we might come to know the saving grace that you so freely offer to all of us. For the freedom that you have bestowed on all of us, we give praise. We ask for your blessings on families who have suffered loss this past week and for those who are fighting bravely through some illness that is threatening their well being and their ability to serve you wholly. We want to breathe in your very breath so that we can expel all the cares of the world. We know we are your children and you have equipped us to live the abundant life. Thank you Lord. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,


*The Billy Graham Center archives, Wheaton 


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