May 23-Storms

Happy Thursday. Last night we had tornados all around us. Lots of power outages, several houses hit, and trees down all over. It was a bit disconcerting for a bit here with sirens going off and the air was so still. As it continued in it path, it caused 3 deaths in the county north and west of here. It was a brutal night. Now, flooding is causing all sorts of problems. In the last week, the areas here have received 7-15 inches. In the last three weeks, it’s been 15-20 and we could get up to 5 more today. 

Storms. Whether they are weather-related or they are life-related, they can change lives in a few minutes. We can dread them, watch them, and fret, but regardless, if we are in the path, we are going to experience it because there just isn’t much we can do. And when they do hit, we can panic or we can rest In the peace of God. 

It should be our constant prayer to ask the Lord for the grace to trust Him, but in the middle of a storm, we don’t always appreciate what trust can do for us. When we find ourselves engulfed and buried inside one of life's storms, it becomes a lot easier to self-protect to avoid the suffering. Because we are human, we don't see or know what He does nor do we see how trials and storms actually make us stronger. 

“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!...The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress.” Psalms‬ ‭46:1-3, 7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

When we get an understanding that "faith" really is the "evidence of things not seen," we begin to grasp that a spiritually driven life is one of constant faith and belief. No matter what we face in our personal lives, I pray that we would be awakened to the knowledge and truth of the goodness of God in all situations.

Lord thank you for being our Shield and Protector. Help us Lord to rely on, and to rest in only you. We pray for those who were hit by the storm last night and for the families who lost loved ones. Comfort them Lord as they dig through and come to terms with what has happened. We know you have a divine purpose for these storms and trials and we ask you for the faith and focus to persevere. Help us not to concentrate on the power of the world and become discouraged, but rather remind us that you have overcome the world. We pray you would build our character and stir hope in our hearts. Our hearts can become weak in faith because we live in this broken world and feel its destruction. Pour your love into our hearts this day through your Spirit that lives inside us. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,


“When the solid ground is falling out from underneath my feet

Between the black skies, and my red eyes, I can barely see.

In the eye of the storm

You remain in control

And in the middle of the war

You guard my soul

You alone are the anchor

When my sails are torn

Your love surrounds me 

In the eye of the storm”


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