May 11 - Love and Joy

It’s Mother’s Day weekend and I sure hope if your mother is near, you will be able to spend some time with her. If she’s too far away, give her a call and if she’s passed, offer thanksgiving for her. If you don’t have a mother to celebrate with, find a mom or a special lady that needs some extra love this weekend - it will be good for you both.  

“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.”

Philippians 1:9-10

I love this passage from Paul. He’s on house arrest, chained 24/7 to a guard, and completely dependent on his friends for food. When he had been in Philippi peaching the gospel, he was not met with kindness but rather he was woefully mistreated. Yet, instead of bemoaning his current circumstance and recalling how awful Philippi had been to him, he is filled with joy. In fact he says “joy” or “rejoice” 16 times in this short book. 

He prayed faithfully for these Greek converts. He wanted to let them know how much he loved them and how his awful circumstances were actually expanding the kingdom. And the thing he prayed for these folks? That their love may abound. He had just finished the letter to the Ephesians that is almost completely about love and here in this letter, He emphasizes joy. Love, then joy. 

Father of love, thank you for first loving us and being the God who brings joy to our lives. You are the Almighty King, the Bright Morning Star and our Lord. We praise you for your mercy and your grace—the grace that exceeds any sin or guilt. We ask for healing and comfort today for friends and relatives who are facing serious illness and harsh surgeries. You are the Great Physician and our Healer so we can bring these folks to you and lay them at your feet. We pray for blessings this weekend for any who are sad and lonely—let them feel the presence of your sweet Spirit. We worship you our great God. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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