April 8–The Price

Happy Monday. I hope your weekend was good and that you are looking forward to warmer weather and spring flowers. The trees that have begun to bud where I live have brought on my spring allergies. I’ve snorted and dripped and my eyes have itched for the last couple of weeks. I am certainly not a fan of cold weather, but when it starts to warm, I pay a price. 

Lots of things that we enjoy come with a price, don’t they? Cars, houses, clothes, shoes...they all cost us. If we want nice things, we have to pay for them and that means we don’t get something else. Most things come with a price. 

Even children. When babies come, young couples find their lives are vastly different than they were before. The price. I remember once my oldest at about age 14 was upset with me and said “You just want to make me miserable!” To which I replied “Why yes! Yes I do. That’s why I carried you, cared for you, got up with you, lost about 2 years’ sleep, fed you, spent 1/2 our income on diapers, gadgets, clothes, shoes, and 1,000 other things for you so we could get to this day and I could have fun making you miserable.” Which is how I think God feels when we act like bratty 14-year-olds with Him and decide His guidelines for us are simply to “keep us in line.”

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:19-20‬ ‭NIV‬

And once we belong to Christ, we have to realize the ultimate price was paid for us. He paid our sin debt and we are no longer our own. He gave up not a part, but the whole of Himself for us. What now can we do for Him? 

Jesus, Savior, Lord to us, thank you for paying the price for us—for paying our debt and making us your very own. Help us Lord to be worthy of the temple of your Holy Spirit living within us and to be people whom God can say honors Him. We praise and worship you and we lift your great name. Surround us Lord and lead us this day, for who can stop the Lord Almighty? Forgive us when we fail you. Correct us Lord when we begin to wander thinking we are in charge and know better. We truly love you and we want to be found justified before the throne. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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