April 26–The Cross Changed Everything

Happy Friday to you. Has anything ever happened in your family that changed how you do things? Fourteen years ago we had a death in our family that changed us and changed how we approached things. Our Christmas is very different now—there is no formal meal, but a casual, intimate gathering with very little emphasis on gifts. 

When the children of Israel were slaves under Pharaoh, times were rough. But Moses pleaded on their behalf and God heard their cries. Finally after many times trying to get through to Pharaoh, God gave careful instructions for the Passover. Find a perfect.lamb. Sacrifice it. Smear the blood over the top and sides of the door. Roast the lamb with bitter herbs. Fix bread with no leaven. Then eat it with your shoes on. Be ready to go at a moment’s notice and the death angel will Passover your house. Those who had not obeyed, lost their firstborn on that night; those who had, the firstborns were spared. 

The Jews practiced the Passover in remembrance of that night every year. However, about 1420 years after that first one, something happened that changed it forever for followers of Christ. 

Jesus led his disciples in the very last Passover feast. When they assembled together, there was wine (at least three cups) and bread (unleavened of course) but no roast lamb. Then Jesus changed the meaning of everything. He said “Drink, this is my blood!.” The blood of the Passover lamb was there! And “Eat this is my body.” The lamb was not on the table because the Lamb was at the table. Jesus changed everything. 

“And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.”...And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom...” Luke‬ ‭22:15-16, 29-30‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Eating at Jesus’ table should change us. 

Jesus, Lord help is to never forget the significance of your table and how it changed the world and how it changes us. Let us feel your presence when we eat and drink the symbols of your blood and body and let us remember the cross was the turning point for all history. Praise you Savior that we do not partake of roast lamb at your table because you changed everything at that final Passover. We love you and celebrate you; we worship and adore you our soon and coming King. Praise you Jesus. Amen and amen. 


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