April 24

Happy Wednesday to you. I saw part of a movie yesterday all about a couple trying to figure out why they couldn’t still be “in love” like they had been. They keep holding on to old hurts and mistakes. It seemed to be a silly thing to me so I didn’t watch much of it, but it’s a principle I think many of us have problems dealing with. Intellectually, we understand Jesus died on the cross and the blood that flows from Calvary cleanses us and washes us clean. From that day forward all our sins are washed away—gone. 

But...emotionally, do we really ever let go of all that “stuff” that we know is under God’s forgetfulness? How many people do you know that just won’t ever go back to that church because someone hurt their feelings there? Or business people who are afraid to live up to their potential because someone stole from them or cheated them? Or they are holding on so tight to hurts from a divorce they are afraid to ever love again? Or they can’t see their own good qualities because they’ve been told for years how bad, or ugly or worthless they are? 

If you know anyone like that, or even if you have something you’re holding on to like that, tell them and tell yourself, right now, today, is the perfect time to believe what Jesus did is enough. What He did on that cross IS enough to cover it all—everything in the past really DOES NOT matter. In fact, it doesn’t even belong to us any more! It doesn’t have to haunt us or take over our minds or make us feel shamed. Jesus is so much more than enough to cover it all. He said, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”” John‬ ‭8:32‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I love that His promises are new every morning. Every day is a bright new promise for all of us to start again—with a clean sheet of paper! God’s not digging through the trash can, why should we?

Oh Lord thank you for a brand new day with brand new promises! You are good and you are amazing. We love you and we love your ways. Bless you Father. Teach us to believe your promises for all their worth. We ask you to help us to pray for the things that really matter—the things that change the Kingdom! Help us know to sustain one another when we are drained emotionally and spiritually. You are our Life Giver. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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