April 12

Happy Tuesday to you! Yesterday, I saw the cutest little girl waddling around everywhere. She kept taking off from her dad and laughing about until she got a little too far to see him when she looked back. Then, she was a little worried. But before she could really cry, her daddy was there to pick her up and reassure her. I’m sure it didn’t take long for the game to begin again. She had trust in her dad and knew he was always going to be there for her. 

That’s the way Jesus said we need to be with our Heavenly Father. Trusting and not worried, in the position of a child.  

“And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”

‭‭Matthew 18:3-5

The idea of starting over is a frustrating one. We think we are smart and have it together and to start over as a child just kind of gets our pride. But there are areas in our lives that need to be torn apart completely and we just need to start from scratch and build them again, piece by piece and do it correctly this time. 

Jesus wants us to make sure we keep our child-like openness, our full trusting and our insatiable curiosity to always be learning more. (Who has more curiosity than a five year old?) Jesus is also asking us to keep that simple faith that we had as children. (What is more pure than the faith of a child?)...Let go, change and become a child...it may be a little harder for some of us than it sounds. 

Lord of Heaven, thank you for making it so simple and so easy that even a child can understand and believe. Help us to let go and to be more like children and just believe, Lord, help our unbelief. It is difficult when we let the world come between us and you. Teach us to keep our eyes focused up and not around, trusting you to surround us and protect us because you are our Farther. You are the Almighty One, our Protector and Savior and we worship you this day. Praise you Jehovah Jirah. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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