March 25-A New Heart

Happy Monday. I hope you had a good time in worship this weekend and spent some quality time with loved ones and with God’s people. I know when I’m sick or miss church for some reason, I have an ache, like I’m homesick until I get there again.  

Our hearts long to worship God—we were created by Him and with our very nature, we have a craving for God. If we try to satisfy that craving with something else, we lose every time. The things of this world, the lusts that we so quickly grab for when we are hungry for God, never satisfy and just leave us hungrier than we were before. There is no created thing that can fill the space in our heart like only our God can. 

““Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols. And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations.”

‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭36:25-27‬ ‭NLT‬‬

That scripture has always been one of introspection for me. Is my heart stubborn? Or is it tender? Does my spirit continue to gravitate toward the idols of this world? Or has God completely washed me and given me a new heart? A heart that brings a new spirit, so that I follow the Lord our God with my heart, my mind and my soul? Am I careful with the decrees of God and the things of God above all else?

 “I will give you a new heart...” Not a bad scripture for the mirror this Monday! 

Father God, In The Name of Jesus, we thank you for setting us free from every bondage, struggle and stronghold. Lord, we surrender to You and lay down every mistake and shortcoming at your feet. Father, we thank You for making us new in you. We know there is nothing that can stop your love from reaching us and overtaking us. Thank You for making us whole in you. Your power reaches to the very depths of our hearts and your love flows to every facet of our souls. Father, we surrender to you and we want to be yours forever. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend, 



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