March 21–His Masterpiece

Happy Thursday. I can’t believe how fast this month is flying by. (I sound like my mother talking about time moving faster as you get older!) But so many things really do seem to change faster than I can keep up with and then, there are a few that seem to just stay the same. It’s that way with me, too. I am able to make some changes in myself rather easily—some physical changes happen whether I want them or not, like bad eyes, wrinkles, sore feet. However, I try to make small improvements in my habits and a few things do get a little better but there are some things, no matter how hard I try, i just can’t fix. 

My Splenda packets from my first-thing-in-the-morning tea. I have no earthly idea why, but they never make it to the trash can. They are on the counter waiting on me when I go back in the kitchen 3 or 12 hours later. There they sit! It irritates me to no end. It used to irritate Bob Hudson and he’d say “You are literally one foot from the trash can.” (No, this is not a new phenomenon, but a quirk I’ve had for years). 

Sometimes I pick myself apart over stupid little things like that. Things I try to correct and I will fix for a day or two but if I’m not consciously thinking about it, I’m right back to square one. We all have them (me probably more than most). Things that we wish we could change, things we have tried to change. I wonder if I’m deficient in some way until I remember...

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I am His perfect masterpiece, quirks and all. I am made exactly as He wanted me to be. He has created me brand new in Christ and I have been formed with my unique characteristics to do the good works that He had planned for me to do before time began! How great is that? Before I spoke a word, He was singing over me and moulding me with the mind, spirit and emotional makeup to be fully and perfectly equipped for my role in this life. The gene that makes me forget my Splenda packet is the very same one that makes me perfect for what He has planned for me to do. 

Creator God, thank you for making us exactly as we need to be to serve you in the exact way you have planned for us. You have formed us in your image and 

created us anew in Christ Jesus to make us you masterpiece. We love you, adore you, and bow before you. We ask for your blessings and your help as we step out to do the good works you have planned for us—works for which we have been uniquely prepared. Go before us this day and lead us where you’d have us go. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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