February 9–Growimg Roots

It’s the weekend. I hope you’ve had a great week and have found time to be quiet with the Lord. I’ve been praying for gentleness lately. Sometimes I think I’m never going to have a good handle on all the fruit of the Spirit at the same time. I pray for patience, I will work on that and just about the time I think I’m doing OK with that, My self control or kindness falls backward. 

“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!” Galatians‬ ‭5:22-23 NLT‬‬


Now I understand we will never be fully complete until we reach heaven, but I must be the chiefest of sinners when I try to discern the fruit I bear. But one thing I have learned is that sometimes the Lord lets us stay weak in an area so we can practice trusting Him. Jesús tells us that the glory of the Father is shown by the fruit we bear. But sometimes The Spirit works on our core, stimulating our root growth and although we don’t see progress right now, we are making a foundation for Him to be strong in our lives. 

How many fruit trees bear fruit in the first year? Is can be five to seven years from seed to fruit for an apple tree. Chinese bamboo needs four years to grow roots. Then, in the fifth year, they grow 90 feet in five weeks! 

The principle is this: We can’t always see God’s work in our lives until later (sometimes much later), but spiritual rhythm -regular movement with God-produces spiritual fruit. Don’t give up seeking God. In due time, growth happens. 

Father God we love you and we worship your holy Name. We thank you for the gifts you have given and we ask that you would help us to develop in the areas we are lacking. Teach us your ways and your perfect will. If you need us to grow deep roots, we pray you would give us the stamina to continue seeking your face while you develop us. In the fast food world, we expect fast results but help us to understand developing in you is a life-long process. You are the Great One and we lift you high this day. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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