February 28

Happy Thursday! Well, I’m back on antibiotics again with an upper respiratory and sinus infection and oh boy am I having fun! But I am getting all studies up for my trip to Jerusalem. I have learned that Peter, Andrew, James, John, and Philip all came from the same little fishing village of Bethsaida. It was a little fishing village of only about 500-600 people right on the Sea of Galilee. It amazes me that He didn’t pick a even a few from the modern cities with running water and universities and amphitheaters. But no...tiny little communities. 

But in these places people lived in community—in extended family, they supported one another, worshipped together, ate together, helped each other. They understood that the community is more important than the individual. The Synagogue was the center of the town, the place for worship, meeting and for school. 

The first level of curriculum was the Torah. Student would memorize the first five books of the Bible and the best students would continue and the rest would go to a profession and the girls would be married. The Rabbi would teach the second level of school (Beth Madrash) studying the scripture in a deeper way. Those who made it through the second level and wanted to continue would request to enter the Talmede, the third level of study. This level was reserved for 12 who were serious about becoming like the Rabbi. They would become his disciples and follow him everywhere (disciples). The disciples wanted to be what the Rabbi was so they would stay with him 24/7. It takes a deep commitment to learn and understand the scripture and to live with the Rabbi 24 hours a day. They would need to be consumed with him, go to sleep with him and wake up with him. The Rabbi would wait for students to ask him if they could follow but Jesus was a different kind of Rabbi, he went out and asked men who were working to “Come, follow me.”

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”

‭‭John‬ ‭15:16‬ ‭NIV‬‬

We don’t know if Peter, James and John didn’t get into any other Rabbi schools. If they just weren’t “good enough” or weren’t from the right families. They weren’t the valedictorians of the Rabbi schools, but Jesus believed in them. Jesus said “I believe you can be like me.” We can all walk through life and say we don’t want to be a disciple but not that we can’t because Jesus said we can be like Him and that He believes in us. Jesus said “you did not choose me, I chose you.”

How much time do we spend with Him? 

How badly do we want to be like Jesus? Do we have the commitment to walk with him 24/7? To wake with Him and be with Him all day and go to sleep with Him? To be consumed by Him? That’s what it means to be a disciple. 

Jesus Lord of All, we hear you say to us to Come and follow and we want to follow you with everything we have. We want to be consumed with you. We want to wake up with you and go to sleep with you. We want to walk all day with you right by our side. Teach us in your gentle way what it wants to truly be your disciple as you taught the 12. We want to walk in your steps. Forgive us Lord as we wander and lose our focus. You are the great Rabbi and we want to look just like you. We praise you and worship you this day. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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