February 19

Good Tuesday to you. I hope your week started off well. I spent my Monday watching training videos and taking quizzes over them. It’s been quite some time since I was held accountable for learning material and since I have the attention span of a 5 year old, it was a challenge. However, I did learn quite a bit. It made me wonder how much more I would know if I was taking quizzes on scripture as I study. 

Do you ever find your mind wondering as you read the most important book ever written? The ancient words that change our lives? The book that blood stains on each page so that we might be free? It’s crazy I know, but sometimes it’s hard to read. I have found though that before I start if I use the map of it to get a good overview I do much better. The Bible Project has developed really good video maps of each book and section. (You can find them on YouTube). https://youtu.be/1fNWTZZwgbs Once I get a better grasp of the overview, my understanding is much improved. 

I love the Scripture.when I get rid of the world and immerse myself in it. It is moving as nothing else. The words of God are rich and deep. I can dwell on a verse for a week and every day find a new bit of meaning in it. It can stir my soul, convict me, and boggle my mind all at the same time. Yeah...it is alive! 

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Lord God thank you for your word and for its power. Help us to make use of the tools provided to us to better understand and grasp the context of this the most important of words ever penned—your very words, inspired by your very breath. We want to know your heart and learn to walk in your steps. Teach us Lord to be your hands and feet and forgive us when we wander and lose focus. Thank you for your great mercy and grace by which we are saved. We praise you for you are worthy and you are good. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend, 




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