February 18 - Put on the Clothes of the King

Happy Monday. I hope you had a great weekend and are ready to hit the ground running this week. At church yesterday I was reminded again that no matter how good we think we have been, we could never do enough on our own to deserve heaven. It’s a gift of God to us and we either accept it or reject it. We are invited into heaven not because we are good but because He is good. It is only by God’s mercy that we enter in. There are some who don’t think they need mercy and they will never receive it but those of us who realize we need it, may receive it. We know that nothing happens without it. 

A parable that has always left me scratching my head is in Matthew 22:1-17. Jesus told this parable of judgement during his last few days on earth. It is the one where the king goes to great trouble and expense to prepare a banquet. When it was ready, the people who were invited decided they didn’t want to come, they were too busy with the other things in life that had become more important than time with the king. Some even killed the messengers who were sent to tell them the banquet has been prepared. In response the king sent an army to destroy them and burn their town. With all of the food ready, he sent out servants to the highways to invite anyone and everyone, the good and the bad, from all walks of life. While this crew of misfits were enjoying the meal, the king saw one man did not have on a wedding garment. the king threw him out for lack of the proper clothes. He received the same treatment as those who didn’t show up. 

Why? Because as I learned yesterday, the King would have provided wedding clothes for all the guests. This one man evidently decided his clothes were good enough and he didn’t need the garments of the king. Likewise, when we give our lives to God, he gives us clothing of the redeemed and we are able to shed our filthy rags and be ready to eat at the King’s table. But if we think our rags can be “good enough” we have missed everything. 

“I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom dressed for his wedding or a bride with her jewels.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭61:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We have all been invited because our God is good and kind. Put on the clothes he’s provided and and let’s remember that His mercy is a daily celebration. Never take for granted what He has done. 

King of Glory, we worship you and thank you for your mercy and your goodness. Your love overwhelms us and we stand is awe of your great grace. Help us to daily remember where you have brought us from and where we are going. Help us to keep our priorities in line so that we never let the things of this world come between us and you and separate us from your table. You have invited us all to come and dine because we have been set free. We want to take our place beside our Savior and join all the sinners who have been redeemed. All praise to you our wonderful Lord. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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