January 6–Love

Happy Monday to you. I woke up yesterday sick..bad cold and achy body. But a few days of rest and I’ll be fit. I don’t even mind too much because Saturday I was witness to the sweetest reunion. My mom’s sister who is 94 was able to visit my mom (who is late stages Alzheimer’s). My Aunt Dorthy hasn’t seen mom for 4 years. Even though mom wasn’t able to communicate very well, she responded in a most loving way. The love between sisters was an amazing thing to witness. 

“Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Love endures through every circumstance... even memory loss. In my mom’s unit is a sign that says “love is not a memory, it’s a feeling” bit it’s more than than a feeling. We know that to please God, we must love—our neighbors, our family, our enemies and especially our God. But, how do we define this noun and verb? We read that love is one of the 10 most looked up words in the dictionary, and one of the most sought after emotions.  

Before the beginning of the world, God loved. God concluded that love will last forever, it’s a requirement of discipleship, and it is accessible by all. Love is the ability to overcome offences by grace. Love is also the elimination of barriers, allowing oneself to be light and salt regardless of the circumstance, objections, and opinions of others. Love is not a feeling because if it were based on our feelings the difficulty of loving our enemy and blessing those who curse us, confirms that love could never win. And it could never withstand the trials of Alzheimer’s. 

Dear Lord in heaven, we praise your Name, for it is above all other names. We love you because you first loved us. You are love, the origin of all love and we pray that we will learn from you example how to truly love one another. We give our worship to you, because you are the King of Who we are. The bright and Morning Star. We thank you for your saving grace and for your mercy to us when we fall short. Thank you for loving us so purely and recklessly. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend, 



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