January 5–Principles 

It’s the weekend! (Aren’t those good words?). Last night my sister and I were talking about all of the times we have seen God’s hand in our lives and how we have witnessed Him move in great and small ways. I’ve been reading in Daniel, and his faithfulness to pray is remarkable. When he was cast into the lions den because he refused to forsake his prayer time, God shut the lions’ mouths. The next morning when King Darius (who liked Daniel) rushed to check on him, he was so surprised to find him safe. He understood how powerful the God of Daniel was. Right then, he had Daniel’s accusers and their families thrown to the lions and they were eaten by the same lions before they hit the floor! But maybe the most remarkable thing about this story is the pagan king’s response. 

“Then King Darius sent this message to the people of every race and nation and language throughout the world: “Peace and prosperity to you! “I decree that everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before the God of Daniel. For he is the living God, and he will endure forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and his rule will never end. He rescues and saves his people; he performs miraculous signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.””

‭‭Daniel‬ ‭6:25-27‬ ‭NLT‬‬

He sent that message the the entire known world—Talk about spreading the news of God’s power! When God moves in response to Daniel’s faithfulness, the king was overwhelmed to the point of confession on a grand scale. But without Daniel’s commitment to his principles, this miraculous great news of God’s power never would have happened. Daniel had principles that he lived by and was prepared to die for them. Reading this old story again challenged me: “What principles do I live by and which ones would I die for?” I pray we would all be as principled as Daniel when the time comes. And a time of decision will come to all of us, maybe not as dramatic as Daniel, but it comes in some way. 

Dear Jesus, Thank you Lord for leaving the glory of heaven and coming to earth as the servant of all. You humbled yourself and were obedient to death when you could have “shut the lions mouths” but you were true to your purpose. We worship you for you are the Pearl of Great Price and we would give all we have for the privilege of knowing you intimately. Help us Lord to be true to the values and principles you taught and lived: humility, purity, integrity, loyalty, charity, sincerity and mercy. Like Daniel, help us to be strong and refuse to compromise because we want imitate you in all ways. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one, 



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