January 21–Play On

Happy Monday and I hope you had a great weekend and experienced a great time in the Lord. Most everyone here was rooting for Kansas City to knock off the Patriots, but it just wasn’t to be. It was a hard fought game that went to overtime. The main problem was a lack of defense on the part of the Chiefs. Isn’t it great as a Christian you don’t have to worry about that? As we play out our game, we only need to yield to our Maker and He will make sure our defense is impenetrable.

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.””  ‭‭Zephaniah‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The Mighty Warrior takes great delight in us. Sometimes we feel like He has forgotten we are on the field and sometimes we just can’t hear Him. Does that mean He really has forgotten us or that He has quit loving us? Never. 

I love that this passage talks about the King singing over us. I can almost see Him as He looks down on us and sweetly sings much as a mother would her baby. It makes me feel safe and loved by our Father as I read these inspired words by the prophet. Yet, when I think about who I am and what I am, sometimes it’s hard to like myself and so I ask, “How could the Holy King of Glory love someone as flawed as me?” I’m a sinner and am only good because of what Christ has done for me and I certainly don’t deserve that special love that He has for me. So isn’t it great to know we don’t have to deserve it? It just comes. Freely. Overwhelming, reckless, never-ending love from the Father above. It makes me want to cheer. 

Loving Father God, we praise you for the love you so richly bestow on us. We know we don’t deserve it, yet you pour it freely on us. Your delight in us is simply amazing and we love to know that you sing over us. Hallelujah for the song that only You sing to us. Let us know Lord, in a supernatural way, how thrilled You are that we are your children. We long to experience a closer connection to You and to know You more. Our worship belongs only to the One True God of the Universe and we pour our our praise to you. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one one,



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