January 18-It Just Ice

Happy Friday to you! I hope you’ve had a good week and that you have spent some time with God’s Word. I heard a noise last night that caused me to sit straight up in bed. After getting my wits about me, I realized it was just the ice machine dropping some cubes. But before that, I was a bit startled and my heart was beating faster. Fear can take us over pretty quickly. 

“Fear not” is found 365 times in the Bible (one for every day of the year). Over and over and over again God tells His people to not be afraid. Some of us are afraid of everything from the boogeymen to the economy to messing up dinner. Others of us are rarely afraid. But which ever it is, our God doesn’t want His people to have any part of it. And the reason we can live without fear is because we have been made Children of God, we have the Holy Spirit—our Comforter, Advocate, the one who sticks closer than our skin. He is not the spirit of fear, but of the spirit of peace, contentment, courage, and confidence. 

“The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “ Abba, Father.”” Romans‬ ‭8:15‬

What we have when we are tuned in to the Spirit is the one who will rebuke us when we are wrong, help us to understand and remember the scripture, and gives us the confidence to stand brave even in the face of danger. When we are aware of the Spirit, we understand our God is all powerful and regardless of circumstance, He is in control. And the more aware we become of the Holy Spirit, the less we concentrate on worldly issues and the more we cling to spiritual ones. Fear not, it’s just an ice maker. 

Our Father in heaven, teach us to embrace your Spirit so that we can know You are as close today as when we reach heaven. Help us to live by faith in this world and to understand that we will live by sight when we reach heaven. Our hearts long for Your glory and we want to be overcome by Your presence, Lord; Oh God speak to us in our heart’s language so we might become more aware of Your presence. Show us the way to experience the glory of Your goodness. Take the truths you have shown us and make them alive in us. We praise You and magnify Your great Name. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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