January 17–Our Hope

Happy Thursday and my mom is much better. The consensus is that it was all caused by the antibiotic she was taking. Isn’t it amazing how a little pill, just a few chemicals, can make such huge changes in our physical bodies. Its the same for us spiritually; little changes in our behavior can have big effects on us. 

If we do something like read and meditate on one verse or passage of scripture each day (10 minutes out of 24 hours); reread it and think about how that speaks to us; read it again and imagine what would happen if we really believe it; and reread it once more and imagine practicing it. Then, throughout the day, recall it. We are promised that the Holy Spirit not only teaches us, but helps us to remember God’s word. A little change, a little time, big results. 

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”‭‭Romans‬ ‭15:4-6‬

Paul tells us here that we gain endurance, encouragement and hope when we dwell in the scriptures. If our lives’ goal is to be transformed into the image of Jesus, a little more each day, we have to know and understand God’s word. We have to have it in our hearts and minds before we can act on it. 

God in Heaven, we know that you are always with us, transforming us, but help us to know we are truly connected to you. We want to be more like you and we pray that you would honor our efforts and the changes we practice. Teach us to meditate on your word and as we learn your words, help us to practice them. Heal our wounds Lord and thank you for keeping us connected to you. You are the Alpha and the Omega and we want to begin and end in you. We praise you Father for you are Glorious and we bow before you. You are our Hope. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



  1. Your words have stuck a cord in me that my late wife was having me to do and that was to read the bible each night before bed so I would on my mind during the night. I was always in a wonderful mood every morning when doing that even when she got sick it helped me through those hard days and nights. The Lord is our strength and hope in everything good. Amen!!!


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