December 20–Worahip and Adore

Happy Thursday! Yesterday I got a shot in my knuckle and hurt. In my haze, I could hear the doctor saying “Are you alright?” But alas, I made it through and my finger is already better this morning. 

The Wise Men after they had truly worshipped Jesus and experienced the joy of it all, heard God speaking to them while they were sleeping. I find that really interesting.

“And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭2:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

First, these were pagans from Arabia who were the scientists of their day. I imagine them to be used to analyzing facts and data to make decisions. But instead of any sor of logic, they are hearing the God of the universe speak to them in a dream. And maybe that’s not the strangest part of the equation—they actually listened and obeyed Him.  

Isn’t that the way it is though? The more we practice true worship, the closer we are to God, and the closer we get to God, the easier it is to hear Him. 

Just like the Magi, the voice of God may be telling us to change direction. To do our part, we need to worship completely and practice giving sacrificially. We can never underestimate the power of worship and giving to help us know the heart of God. And truly, that what Christmas is (and always has been) about. 

Dear Jesus, we praise you for your sacrifice in giving up heaven’s throne for an earthly tomb. You are so good and kind to us. Help us Lord to practice worship and giving sacrificially because, like the Magi learned, we know that is key to hearing your voice and we are desperate to hear from you. We love you and we praise you for there is no other name above your name—every knee will bow and every tongue confess that you indeed are the Lord Most High. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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