December 1–Walk by Faith 

It’s the weekend! And I’m spending mine rocking a baby. While we were snuggling yesterday and he was sleeping so well, and since it’s the Christmas season, I kept thinking of Elizabeth—who was so excited to be having a baby. She and Zachareias had prayed for years for a baby and nothing. Their disappointment must have been overwhelming at times especially when their friends were having babies and even grand babies, but they remained faithful and blameless before God. 

The Bible describes Elizabeth and Zacharias in the most perfect of ways—the way we’d all like to be described: “They were both righteous in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord.” Luke 1:6

I’m not sure I respond quite so well to disappointments. We have all sorts of “remedies” for ourselves when the disappointments of life are large. We go shopping, we overeat, or we may take vacations to escape our disappointment. Sometimes we just like to complain about it to anyone who will liste. Although Elizabeth and Zacharias had empty arms and lost hope, they continued to serve God wholeheartedly as the years continued to pass.

The Bible says that the prayer of the righteous one avails much! (James 5:16) When we continue to live a righteous, blameless life before God and continue to pray, our prayers are answered. (Maybe we don’t always get the answer we’re looking for, but they are answered.) The Bible also says that the righteous live by faith. (Habakuk 2:4) Elizabeth and Zacharias continued to walk by faith and not by sight. And their faith was rewarded. 

Dear Jesus, thank you for the example of Zacharias and Elizabeth. Help us to walk by faith and not by sight and to continue to pray and seek your face even in the midst of disappointments. You are a good God and you are the Source of our strength. Thank you Lord for you great grace that washes over us and for never giving up on us. Open the floodgates of heaven Father and let us feel a little bit of heaven this day. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,


PS. Bo is home and doing well! Praise the Lord of Heaven.


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