November 9-I Shaved My Legs for This?

Happy Friday. It’s been rainy here all day and was I ever glad I took the time to get my car’s rain sensor fixed when I took off for Arkansas. It fell of the windshield a couple of weeks ago and it’s been driving me a little crazy hanging there making that strange scratching noise against the rear view mirror and even nuttier when it rains. The guy who replaced my windshield was great about fixing it for me and it once again works like a charm. 

I’ve also been trying to find the perfect Christmas rug for my entryway and I’m trying to decide on an ironing board for my closet. In the middle of all that, I couldn’t help but hear Bob Hudson talk about heaven. “The things I imagine we will think when we get there is 1) This is so much more than I ever dreamed and 2) I wish I had invested much more in this place.” And then I thought of that old country song “I shaved my legs for this?” (I know, silly but it makes sense to me) I think I spend a lot of time worrying about things that are going to fall apart, break and decay and I will look back on them and say “I put all that time and effort in for THAT?” I’m thankful for good things in the life, but if we’re gonna go to the trouble and hassle to “shave our legs” shouldn’t we do it for something that lasts?

“That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.””  

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2:9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Soon I’ll come to the end of my journey

And I’ll meet the One who gave His life for me

I will thank Him for the love He gave me

And ten thousand years or more I’ll reign with Him

 We will just begin to sing love’s sweet story

It’s a song that the angels cannot sing

I’m redeemed by the blood of the Savior 

And ten thousand years or more I’ll praise His name. 

Ten thousand years we’ll just be started

Ten thousand years we’ve just begun

The battle’s over and the victory’s been won

Ten thousand years and we’ve just begun.

Dear Lord, thank you for our home in heaven. We pray that you would help us to always remember this life and everything in it will expire but the next life is eternal. We pray for wisdom to invest in your Kingdom Lord and help us to be ever mindful of where we put our time and efforts. We love you and we praise you for your great grace and your amazing mercy. You are our Savior. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one, 



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