November 27–Read and Pray

It’s Tuesday and I have a grand-baby in the hospital. Little Bo has had fever, congestion and hasn’t been able to eat. He’s just 7 weeks old so we are all a bit nervous. Please pray for our little guy to regain his health. 

In Matthew when Jesus was teaching about the power of prayer, he said 

“You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.””

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭21:22‬ ‭NLT‬‬

And just a little before that, He had made it abundantly clear how He loves children. “But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.””

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭19:14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Needless to say, I’ve been claiming the promises of God and praying. I think it’s important when we want a close relationship with the Lord, we look to scripture when We are seeking for answers or in deep conversation with our God. We know emotions can cloud our thinking and even our judgement, but God’s Word is true and it stands. 

I believe when we read scripture, if we want to take it into our hearts and minds, it needs to be an active process starting with prayer. “God help me to connect with this passage and open my eyes that I might see what you’d have me learn.” Then as we read, we should look for things that speak to us, give us questions or inspiration. Spend some time there....dwell in the words as you read them again and again. And Lastly, we need to speak to God again about what we have read. Ask him if you have questions or ask Him to help you live out the truth that you have discovered or even rediscovered. You don’t have to worry about getting through chapters—concentrate on understanding and soaking in, even its just one verse. 

And today my prayer is my centered on Matt 21:22 as I beseech God on behalf of our baby. 

Jehovah Jirah, thank you for the Bible and the promises we find there. We know you are good and your word is true. We believe you are the Healer and the Comforter and we bring petitions to you freely because you tell us that’s what we should do. We love you and praise you for the mighty works you have done and we honor you this day for hearing our cries. We ask for your surrounding as we fight our battles and we pray for a hedge of protection and healing. We love you Lord. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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