November 1–Grace

Happy Thursday to you! Last night was Halloween and since I live in a neighborhood, I had lots of little munchkins come to my door asking for candy! They were just pretty cute. I had one little storm trooper say “Give me all your candy!” Then my grandson lifted his mask and giggled. Candy and kids just goes together doesn’t it? 

Don’t you love those things that seem to go together so naturally? Like peanut butter and jelly. The rub comes when we hit those things that by our “nature” don’t seem to go together at all. Someone does us wrong and we are supposed to “just forgive them” but our nature tells us we should “get them back.” We’ve read the scriptures but we aren’t sure God really understands THIS situation. Sometimes we may even acuse God of things we know nothing about and certainly have no understanding of. 

““If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:14-15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

These verses in Matthew where Jesus just tells us point blank how we must forgive really doesn’t leave us much room for interpretation. You forgive and God forgives you; you don’t forgive, God doesn’t forgive you. Pretty simple wouldn’t you say? For our peace of mind, it’s so much healthier to not hold a grudge against others. But it can be one of the most difficult things Jesus asks of us. 

Forgiveness doesn’t mean we condone what someone does nor does it mean letting them off the hook. It just means trusting God to handle it for you. And it isn’t reconciliation unless the other person is genuinely repentant. What it is all about is getting your heart right with God. And actually, if we’ll just admit it, this forgiveness really does go together just like kids and candy. 

Dear Jesus, you are such a good God and we love you and worship your name. Help us Lord to be better at forgiveness just as you have forgiven us. Help us to turn loose of our grudges and hurts and give those all to you. We have the promise in your word that you will pay back trouble and we don’t have to worry about it or hang on to it—you will remember it for us. We thank you Father for your grace that pardoned and cleansed us so that we have a seat at your table. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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