October 17-Are you Napping?

Happy Wednesday! Are you doing well today? Have you had some time in the presence of the Lord yet? Did you feel Him near or did you feel like you were going through the motions? Yesterday, when the day began. I was pretty active and was getting a few things done, but by afternoon, I was tired and I just became a non-participant in the day! (And alas, I didn’t get much accomplished..)

Is it ever like that for you with the presence of God? Some days we don’t feel God’s presence. Why does He feel so active in our lives sometimes and asleep at others? It just seems logical that every time we meet with Him, we “feel” Him. But I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone who wouldn’t agree that’s simply not the case. Some times that open door of God’s presence just feels shut. 


There are a lot of reasons God could “feel” far away, but none of those reasons is because God has pulled away from us. And just because we don’t have the “feeling” doesn’t mean God’s presence isn’t real. We know that God’s love for us is unchanging, unending, and unconditional. No matter what we do, He will always love us. But even so, God is not going to come into our lives uninvited. We can’t expect His presence to overwhelm us if we haven’t asked for it. 

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” Matthew 7:7

God wants us to be active and to be a participant, not just be passive and think “it will all just come to me if I sit here long enough.” He isn’t going to knock on the door and drag us through it. His presence is that open door, but it’s up to us to step right through it—and that’s not easy to do if you’re taking a nap! 

“Your presence is an open door, so come now, Lord, like never before.” 

Dear Lord thank you for your presence when we can feel you and when we can’t. Thank you for being that open door that we can walk through to find you anytime, anywhere. We ask you Father to be real to us today and to bathe your children in your Spirit. We worship you God for who you are and for your great grace. Praise you Jehovah, for you alone are worthy. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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