September 4-His Strength

Happy Tuesday! I hope you had a good holiday. I spent mine in my garage trying to sort and pack and organize. It was a hot and sweaty job and not one that I enjoyed at all. When I came in about 6:30, I was so tired. I took a shower, ate some crackers and promptly fell asleep. 

When I woke up, I noticed I was covered in bruises! I am just not as tough as I once was and certainly not as graceful. Yet, even as tired and bruised up as I was, I remembered what Jesus said to the apostle as he recounted it to the church at Corinth.

“...“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12:9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

His grace is all I need. I am weak, but He is strong. And it is never so evident that when I try to do a big, physical job. 

I had spent most of the day pushing and shoving boxes and shelves around and not making a lot of headway. Then, Oscar showed up and worked for about an hour and everything changed. It was his strength that made the difference. He could pick up what I couldn’t budge. He could move what was immovable for me. And all of a sudden, the garage wasn’t an impossible task. 

Jesus does the same thing for us spiritually. We just have to quit trying to do it all on our own. Those big things that are immovable? He can just pick them right up and throw them on a shelf or put them in the attic. Those things that we can’t budge? He can heft them right to the dumpster. His strength works best when we are weak. 

Dear Jesus, thank you for being strong when we are weak. Thank you for moving what we cannot and for doing away with what we cannot lift. You are a great God and we praise you for the night things you have done and for the things you will do. Your grace is sufficient for us and your love is abundant. What a good good Father you are and how marvelous is your care of us! Praise you El Shadai. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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