September 24-Greater than the Mess

Happy Monday. I trust you enjoyed your weekend and you were able to worship the Lord in fellowship with other believers. My weekend was good—Aaron installed my kitchen lights and I was just pretty excited to get those up. He had to crawl into the attic where it was super hot and wade through a tremendous amount of insulation that stuck to him and his beard and fell out of the holes he drilled in the ceiling. It was kind of a mess everywhere. 

While he was working on them, I just kept thinking about how God gets us out of the messes of our lives. We had just sang in church “We trust and believe our God is greater than the heights we have reached.” And even though we “know” in our brains that our God is bigger than any of the messes of our lives, often times, we have trouble just trusting Him to handle it (what ever the “it” may be). 

Bob Hudson used to say that we trust God with the biggest thing of our lives—our eternal destiny—but somehow we aren’t brave enough to turn over the things between now and then.

There are so very many reasons for trusting God with the issues that we deal with, but probably the biggest is He is able. Perfectly and completely capable to take care of any of our problems. In fact, He already knows all about them and He’s already got them handled. Nothing has taken Him by surprise and none of it has Him overwhelmed. Our God is greater and guess what...we are not. 

And I have found a direct result of not letting God handle the messes of life is stress. My sister has told me 100 times that I hold up very well under stress until it over and then I get sick. But that’s what stress will do to you—wear on you and take its toll on you physically. (I’m not saying that every time someone gets sick it’s from stress, but stress can cause it.) And it’s not an easy thing to do but it’s a process. It’s learning to turn it completely to God because we really TRUST that He IS greater than any of our problems is learning to LET GO of the stress. 

“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”

‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Dear Jesus thank you for overcoming the world and for showing us that you are bigger than any problem we might encounter whether horrible or just something small, you care and you want to handle it for us. You want to teach us something through it and you want to shape us. Others need to see us relying on you, so please give us the grace to fully give our messes over to you and learn what you have for us. Teach us Lord your ways. We love you and praise you this day. What a great God you are! Hallelujah and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



  1. This is exactly the verse that was on my heart today~ so blessed by the Lord's hugs! Love you~


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